What's included?
Desktop versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher, and OneNote – for up to 5 computers.
You can also access Office Mobile apps including: Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on iPad, iPhone, Android phone or Windows phone.
Who is eligible to download and install Office?
Office 365 ProPlus is available for anyone with an active, primary CSU netID. (Secondary netIDs are excluded from this benefit.)
How do I get it installed on my computer?
- Uninstall any previous versions of Microsoft Office currently installed on your computer or device.
- Navigate to the Office365 Online Portal from your Windows computer. Mac users can download the apps through the Apple App store on your Mac.
- When prompted, login using your netID in the format of netID@colostate.edu along with your netID password.
- Once in the portal, click the "gear" icon in the upper right corner of the screen and then click "Office 365"" under the My app settings heading.
- Click "Software" on the resulting screen.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the Office install.
How do I get it installed on my mobile device?
- Access the app store for your mobile device
- Search for "Microsoft Office". Verify that the resulting app was authored by Microsoft Corporation.
- Complete the install.
- When an Office Mobile app is started, you will be prompted for your username and password, which you should enter in the format ename@colostate.edu along with you netID password.
How can I check how many copies of Office I have used?
You can check the number of full versions of Office you have installed by way of Office 365 using the steps below. Each eligible CSU employee and student is allowed to have up to 5 "active" copies of Microsoft Office on PCs and Macs and an additional 5 copies on mobile platforms including iPod, iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone. Note that the instructions below only show the number of full Office installs that are in use. There isn't a tool available to check how many mobile Office versions a person is using.
- Navigate to the Office365 Online Portal from your Windows or Mac computer.
- Click your user icon (upper right corner) and click "View Account" option.
- On the resulting screen, click "Manage installs" button.
How long does the subscription last?
CSU users can download and use Microsoft Office through the Office 365 service as long as you are enrolled as a student at CSU or affiliated with CSU such that you have an active CSU netID.