HDS Technology Services - Staff Support
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Working From Home or Off Campus
How do I remote into my work computer from home?
Connecting Personal Computer to Work computer
How do I access my email off campus?
Changing your password on a university laptop remotely.
How do I download Office365 on my personal device for off campus use?
See all 12 articles
Microsoft Teams
How to log in to the Microsoft Teams Desktop App
How to Schedule or Start a meeting in MS Teams
Microsoft Teams - Training and Tutorials
How to change your picture in Teams
Troubleshooting audio/video with Microsoft Teams
See all 7 articles
Zoom Video Conferencing
How to Join a Zoom Meeting - Windows 10
Schedule a Meeting in Zoom App - Windows 10
How to Join a Zoom Meeting - iPhone
Video Conferencing Tips
Sharing your Screen
See all 7 articles
Using Freshservice
How do I log into Freshservice?
How do I submit an Incident Ticket?
How do I submit a Service Request?
What are Announcements used for and where can I find them?
What are Solution articles and how do I use them?
Domain Accounts and Passwords
How do I reset my domain password?
I have a new person starting soon, how do they get a domain account?
Outlook and Email Setup
How do I add my email to my Android phone?
How do I request a new distribution list?
How do I update a distribution list?
How do I request a new shared mailbox?
How do I update permissions in a shared mailbox?
See all 10 articles
Housing and Dining Printing
How do I add a networked printer?
How do I add a shared printer?
How to remove a network printer
Purchase Requests
Are there any items that don't require a purchase request?
What kinds of things require a purchase request to be submitted?
Restoring Files or Folders
What is a previous version of a file or folder?
How do I restore previous versions of a file or folder?
Can I restore a file or folder that was deleted or renamed?
Connecting to the Network within HDS
How do I connect to the WiFi as a staff member?
I have intermittent connection while plugging my laptop into my docking station. What could be causing this?
Connecting to csu-net Before March 1st Removal of hds-staff
I Recently Changed my NetID Password and can't Connect to csu-net
HDS Applications
How to Access HDS RemoteApps on Windows 10
Logging into Adobe Acrobat
400 Bad Request
Purchase Request Approval
How To Approve a Tech Purchase Request
Microsoft Bookings
Accessing Microsoft Bookings
Hybrid Meetings
Meeting Room with Mounted Camera
Mobile Meeting Rooms Setup
How to Use the EPOS Camera in Poudre Canyon Room
Computer Restart Notification
Launching EMS
Moving Your M-Drive to One Drive
OnGuard 8.0 - Alarm Monitoring
PolyCom - CCX350 User guides
Change Ringer Sound on Polycom CCX 350
Teams Voice
Setting Quiet Hours in Microsoft Teams App
DUO Authentication
Setting Up DUO Mobile App
Using DUO Mobile App for Authentication
Using Freshservice
How do I submit a Service Request?
What are Announcements used for and where can I find them?
What are Solution articles and how do I use them?
Information Needed for Connection
How do I find the MAC address for my device?
What wireless networks do you have available?
Turning On WiFi Calling
Finding MAC address of phone/computer
How do I turn off Randomized MAC Addressing
Unsupported Devices and Services
What services do you provide?
What devices are not supported within University Housing?
Connecting to the Network
How do I connect to the csu-net WiFi Network?
I'm getting a strict NAT type, can HDS Technology Services open ports for me?
How do I connect a gaming, tv or streaming device to the network?
I don't think my WiFi router is working, the lights are turned off...
Connecting and troubleshooting an IOS device on csu-net
See all 21 articles
Printing in University Housing
What is Papercut printing and where can I use it?
My job wasn't printed, how do I request a refund?
My job wasn't printed, what can I do to troubleshoot?
Are wireless printers allowed in the residence halls?
How to use Web Print in PaperCut
See all 6 articles
File Sharing Guidelines
Legal information on file sharing
3 strike policy on the University network
My network access was blocked, where can I gain access on campus?
What is a DMCA violation and why should I care?
How do I disable file sharing?
A/V Setup