*Due to variations in different Android OS devices and versions, the instructions below may not exactly match the configuration experience on your own Android phone or tablet. If you have questions or would like assistance with your specific device, please contact our help desk at 970-491-4734.

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu for your device. 
  2. Click on Menu > Settings > Accounts. 
  3. If you had previously configured a connection to CSU Exchange or Office 365, remove that account from your device. 
  4. Click "Add Account" and select Microsoft Exchange (Active sync) 
  5. When prompted, enter the following information: 
  6. Email address: First.Last@colostate.edu 
  7. Password: Enter your netID password 
  8. Click Next 
  9. Change domain\username to: netID@colostate.edu 
  10. Change exchange server to: outlook.office365.com 
  11. Make sure that the "SSL encrypted connection" check box is checked 
  12. If the above information is accepted, you should be presented with an options page that will allow you to select which items from your mailbox that you would like to sync with your device (Messages, Calendar and Contacts). The options you select on this page are entirely up to you. 
  13. Click Next 
  14. Provide a name for this account if desired. Default name is first.last@colostate.edu 
  15. Click Next 
  16. At this point your device should be configured to access Office 365 Exchange, and it should begin downloading the contents of your mailbox. 
  17. Optional: Some Android OS versions may need to disable "power saving mode" 

For more tips and tricks, please continue here.