How to Access RemoteApps on Windows 10

If you do not see the applications in your start menu, the group policies may not have applied yet. Please reboot your computer and try again. If you are still unable to access your RemoteApps, please contact our help desk at 970-491-4734

  • Click the Start button in the bottom left corner of your screen
  • This will bring up a list of applications installed on your computer
  • Scroll down until you get to the "HDS RemoteApps (RADC)" folder and click the folder to expand the list of RemoteApps you have access to

  • Click on the application you would like to open. A window will launch that says "Starting your app".

  • When the remote session has connected, your app will launch and you can interact with it like any other application on your computer.

  • To disconnect your session, close the application by clicking the "x" in the top right corner of the application

Adding a RemoteApp shortcut to your desktop

  • To create a shortcut of a RemoteApp on your desktop, click the start button in the bottom left corner of your screen and scroll down to the "HDS RemoteApps (RADC)" folder.
  • Click the folder to expand the list of apps, then drag and drop the app you want a shortcut for to your desktop and a shortcut will be created.
  • Note, that you cannot right click the application to create a shortcut