1. Start on the Home Screen: Ensure you're at the main screen of your CCX 350.
  2. Access Settings: Tap on "Settings" from your screen. This is where you'll find all the customizable options for your phone.
  3. Navigate to Calling Options: Within Settings, find and select the "Calling" option. This area houses settings related to call handling and sounds.
  4. Find Ringtones: Scroll through the Calling menu until you come across "Ringtones" or a similar option for sound settings.
  5. Select Your Ringtone: You'll see a list of ringtones available for use for both incoming and forwarded calls. Browse through them, and you can usually preview each by selecting it.
  6. Save Your Choice: Your selected tone will have a tick mark on the right side of the tone name, Now navigate back to home screen or Hit Home button.