When trying to access the Human Resources Portal available through aar.is.colostate.edu you may run into some variation of a "400 Bad Request" error staring "The request could not be understood by server due to malformed syntax."

When this happens, a bad log in request/session is interfering with the log on portal and preventing any other sign on attempts without clearing the cache. This KB article will walk you through clearing the cache on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Google Chrome

1. Go to Settings via the 3 dot menu in the top right of Chrome.
2. Search for "Clear."
3. As a search result it should give you "Clear Browsing Data"
4. As a good measure change Time range to "All time" and make sure "Browsing History, Cookies, and Cached Images" are all checked and hit Clear data.
5. Navigating back to gateway.colostate.edu and then HR Portal should open the standard CSU login page.

Microsoft Edge

1. Go to Settings via the 3 dot menu in the top right of Edge.

2. On the sidebar on the left side, navigate down to Cookies and site permissions

3. In that menu, select See all cookies and site data.

4. Click Remove all at the top right of the list and click Clear in the subsequent window.

5. Navigating back to gateway.colostate.edu and then HR Portal should open the standard CSU login page.


1. Launch Safari

2. Near the top left of the screen select "Safari"

3. Once clicked select the section "Settings"

4. A new window should appear, select the option "Privacy" (Should look like a hand symbol)

5. Near the middle of that window select the option "Manage Website Data" 

6. Choose the option "Remove All"

Note: After clearing the cache/cookies you will be signed out of ALL websites and will be prompted to sign in again, but this also forces the bad session of HR Portal to sign out, allowing you to sign in again.